Médical Centre Moyi Mwa Ntongo

Présentation du Centre Médical Moyi Mwa Ntongo

Social impact

In 2006, by decision of its board of directors, the Association for an Economy of Communion (AECOM) started the medical centre called “MOYI MWA NTONGO” (Morning Sun, in Lingala); located in Limete on the fourth industrial street.

The Moyi Mwa Ntongo Medical Centre is a social initiative of the Focolare Movement in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the field of health. This institution, which is integrated into the national health system through its Health Zone, aims to contribute to the reduction of morbidity and mortality of the population, especially the poorest, by offering quality medical care at prices that are accessible to all, thus receiving the population of all levels of life, especially the marginalised people referred by the humanitarians and our various social services.

Our services :

  • Medical care in general medicine, ophthalmology, internal medicine, paediatrics, gynaecology and obstetrics, dentistry, surgery, physiotherapy, dermatology, orthopaedics, ENT, CPS and CPN;
  • Biochemistry, haematology and other special laboratory examinations;
  • special examinations: automatic refractometry, fundus, ultrasound, electrocardiography, electrophoresis and dental radiology;
  • pharmaceutical products,
  • Medico-legal documents: medical report, physical fitness.
  • Nursing procedures: injections, blood pressure, transfusion, infusion, syringing etc.

Our contribution to society :

  • To the reduction of morbidity and mortality of the population, especially the poorest, by offering medical care at prices accessible to all. 
  • To ensure the continuous training of the health personnel of the hospital and the Health Zone;
  • To reduce unemployment by employing 43 people and 21 specialist doctors who provide services on a part-time basis at the CMMMN.
  • To pay taxes, fees and other state duties;
  • To build the new humanity by spreading and promoting the spirituality of communion through the lifestyle and way of working.

Our mission

To provide quality health care to all segments of the population, especially to vulnerable groups. We want to put a special emphasis on the respect of the dignity of the person and of human life from conception to death.

Our Values

  • Interprofessional collaboration and rigour
  • Commitment and spirit of service
  • Honesty and transparency
  • Person-centred approach
  • Professional excellence and respect for diversity.

Our Vision

To be a hospital accessible to the entire population, providing a level of care based on the culture of professional excellence and human attention to patients and their families.

To offer a simple and modern treatment setting that respects and integrates harmoniously with the environment.

To offer a model adapted to our country for an integral development of the human being and a framework of professional improvement for the Congolese population.

Quality and excellence with love in the service of health

Every morning, we begin our work with a meeting to review the day’s work with the team on duty. We evaluate all the patients, both those who are in hospital and those who have been seen during the day’s work, and during this meeting we read an extract from the ‘Word of Life’ and we throw the dice of the art of loving in order to have the word that will guide us throughout the day And this has the following fruits:

1. An improvement in the relationship with our patients 

We see that patients are happy to come to us because they are received, not because of the depth of their pocket or the colour of their tie, but because of their urgency.

The patient is received and treated with the greatest attention, even when we know that he or she has financial difficulties; often we are surprised by the “invisible partner” who does not allow himself to be defeated in generosity; one day, I see a woman come in who is very unwell, I am told that she comes from a poor neighbourhood, she has nothing to pay for her care; I authorise her to be taken in charge. The next day, I received a phone call from a Congolese mother who lives in France, she had heard about the disaster that our centre experienced in 2018, she told me that she wanted to do something for the hospital, she sent her daughter who lives in Kinshasa with a parcel for us. The latter arrived in a taxi bringing us 70 bed sheets!

2. Another fruit is the unity of the staff team

Every Monday, we have a meeting with all the heads of departments because we are convinced that unity between the staff is essential and even the basis for good patient care, here the reason of the strongest is not the best, decisions emanate from the bottom, they go from the departments to the heads; during these meetings everyone learns and discovers what the others are doing and experiences the complementarity between the departments; like each member of the body which has a different function from the other but all the members form a single body

3. Another fruit of this charism of unity is the improved relationship with other medical structures in our health zone or outside the health zone.

In the framework of going out together and well prepared, for several years now the CMMMN has been organising continuous training for its staff in which we involve staff from other neighbouring structures and from the town; and also all the meetings of the board of directors of the health zone are held in our medical structure without any participation fees being required.

In the health zone of Limete, there is no state referral hospital. Almost all the medical structures are private. We encourage collaboration between the medical structures; we ask for the service we don’t have from our neighbours and make available to them everything they don’t have. And this creates a climate of family and trust in this vital area.

Other picture of Médical Moyi Mwa Ntongo Centre


Adresse: 4è Rue Nº 354/D • Q/Ind. C/Limete – 1800 Kinshasa RDC

Phone : +243 999 194 496, +243 824 779 212

Email: moyimwantongo@gmail.com, moyimwantongo@yahoo.fr
